A Unique Approach
Michele Lundstrom is a Shamanic Intuitive Channel, Intuitive reader, Akashic Records Reader, Galactic Akashic Records Reader, Shamanic practitioner, Certified Advanced Chakredy® Practitioner, Reiki Master, Empath Coach, Teacher, and Energy artist. Michele provides intuitive readings through your higher self, guides, akashic records, and subtle energy (the chakras) to help identify and prioritize what your energy wants to bring to your awareness as well as energetic imbalances and direct channeled healing energy to the chakras. Michele began working with individuals to support healing for over 20 years and has been connected with intuition and guides for as long as she can remember. She is also a carrier of lightning medicine since being struck by lightning a few years ago.
I also offer individual psychic development and coaching for empaths, star seeds, and intuitive medical and mental health professionals
the Wealth within.us
Discover your divine gifts & get unstuck in your awakening.
Home Yogi Source. Heart-Brain Coherence & Intuition: Integrating Yoga and Shamanism with Michele Lundstrom
Living with Intention PodCast. In this episode I share about my my journey as a healer, being struck by lightning, heart energy and energy art.
Angel Talk PodCast. In this episode "Lightening Healer" I talk about being struck by lightning and other intuitive things.
For session clips and more visit my YouTube Channel
UpComing Events
Embodied Chakra Wisdom Yoga + Intuitive Reading Workshop Online
LIVESTREAM | Saturday Jan 11th • 11:00am - 2:00pm CST / 10:00am – 1:00pm MST
with Christine Stump & Michele Lundstrom
Join Michele and Christine in a transformative experience that weaves together intuitive, personalized chakra readings, yoga, and guided imagery and meditation, to help you unlock and embody the wisdom of your chakras.
This unique workshop results from over 50 years of experience in healing, shamanism, yoga, meditation, and intuitive readings for your two guides. We offer a deep exploration of the energetic body through physical practice, meditation, and personal insights. Whether you're new to chakras or have an established practice, you'll leave with powerful tools for understanding and balancing your energy.
Michele will open the session by establishing a sacred container for this journey, honoring the transformative potential of the teachings shared. Michele will offer intuitive readings and teachings at the beginning of each chakra session and offer guided meditations throughout.
Christine will guide you through a grounding breath practice and Bindu Meditation to center and prepare the body for practice. Guided by Michele's intuitive reading of key chakras for each participant, Christine will lead a sequence targeting each chakra to awaken and balance energy, beginning with a brief chakra assessment for each participant. Each chakra will be explored through specific postures, breathwork, and meditation to embody its qualities fully.
Here’s a brief look at what each chakra segment may offer, adjusted on the day, according the needs and resources of the group:
Root Chakra: Ground into strength with movement in poses like Easy Seat, Squat, Mountain and Tree, as well as mudras, connecting through the legs and feet and to pelvic muscles with deepening breath practices to cultivate stability and safety.
Sacral Chakra: Flow into creativity and fluidity with Sahaja movements on all fours.
Manipura (Solar Plexus): Build inner fire with warmups to Camel pose, warming breaths activating personal power and confidence.
Heart Chakra: Connect to love and compassion with a Heart-Brain Coherence Meditation and gentle backends with breathing into the upper back.
Throat Chakra: Expression through humming, chanting, fish pose, clearing channels for authentic expression of love and presence.
Ajna Chakra: Connecting to wisdom through intuitive connection, eye cupping, marma point massage, chanting bija mantra and guided meditation.
Crown Chakra: Connecting to Spirit through marma point massage, guided mindful presence and meditation.
The practice will culminate in Queen Pose, allowing the energy to align throughout the chakras, followed by a deeply restorative Savasana in a Pool of Light. The session will close with Bija Mantra chanting to integrate and harmonize the energetic experience.
This is an invitation to dive into the wisdom of your own body and spirit, led by two experienced guides. Embark on this journey to understand your energy, trust your intuition, and connect to your highest self.
To schedule you can view my calendar on the Booking Tab or for more information about Luminous Ignus and offerings email me!
Luminous Ignus does not claim to cure any medical conditions. If you have any concerns please consult with a licensed health care provider prior to booking.
Luminous Ignus
What does Luminous Ignus mean?
Definition of luminous
a: emitting or reflecting usually steady, or glowing light luminous objects—the nebula, the stars, the planets
b: of or relating to light or to luminous flux (measure of the perceived power of light)
2: bathed in or exposed to steady light luminous with sunlight
3: clear, enlightening
Ignus is of Latin origin and means "Fire" or "Lightning"
"Energy flows where attention goes"